Modern Drummer

Back in 2019, we were offered an opportunity to have some drums reviewed in Modern Drummer, which was an exciting milestone. Bill drove the first rope tension drum kit and a brocade piccolo snare to New Jersey and left them in the good hands of Mike Dawson.

A one page review of the piccolo appeared in the July 2019 issue with an accompanying video. I’m not sure if the video is still active, but it’s behind a paywall and I’m quite comfortable on the free side of it.

We believed the rope tension kit was going to appear in the magazine, but it never came to be … still have no idea why. A demo video does exists on Mike Dawson’s YouTube channel, which I’ve embedded below - excellent production quality.

Would’ve loved to have seen the kit in an issue of the magazine, but I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.


Re-Ring Methods


The Animal Kit